StayFlush Motorsports

StayFlush mounting solutions were designed with the idea that no two builds are the same. Whether you went with a model from Rugged Radios, PCI, SwitchPro or no SwitchPro, it doesn’t matter, StayFlush has a custom laser cut solution for just about any setup. These mounts are laser cut from the highest quality 14g CRS steel and then coated with a unique sand texture that feels as good as it looks. Don’t be fooled by how good your new console will look, we build these to take any beating a hardcore off-roader can throw at them. Need space for switches? That’s fine. No switches? No problem. Start/stop button on or off your console? You can have either! When you buy a mounting solution from the radio manufacturer you went with, that’s all you get is a mount for a radio, nothing more. StayFlush takes it to the next level by taking all that unused space and allowing you to add whatever switch systems you want right there under your radio.

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  • Weekdays: 8am-4pm
  • Weekends: Closed